Status: Available for freelance

Flavors Hook Kids

As the Lead Product Designer at Beyond, I was deeply involved in two significant campaigns with Duncan Channon for the California Tobacco Control Program.

"Flavors Hook Kids" is the country’s largest campaign to curb flavored tobacco use among teens. I led product design & creative direction on the digital aspect of the campaign.  

Our mission was to develop a website that not only informed parents and the public about the dangers of flavored nicotine products but also spurred them to take meaningful action.

my role

Lead Product Designer




UX Design
Web Design
Interaction Design
Creative Direction

The tobacco industry has a kid's menu

Since 1989, the CTCP has been at the forefront of preventing tobacco use in youth. However, the surge in e-cigarette usage presented a new hurdle. The goal was to inform parents about the risks associated with vaping, the subtlety of its signs, and the ease with which these products could be obtained by teens. was conceived as a key online resource to alert and educate parents and adults about these dangers, particularly the enticing nature of flavored tobacco products.

Our first campaign with CTCP set out to tackle awareness. How do you educate parents on the risks of vaping and the signs they should be looking for?

Together, we developed the initial web campaign. The purpose of which is to warn parents and concerned adults about the increasing availability of flavored tobacco products targeted to teens. It also aims to highlight how easy it is for kids to purchase flavored tobacco products online.

Our primary objective was to inspire action, and we provided a range of effective ways to do that: letter writing, conversation guides, and module-by-module social sharing opportunities.

The Flavors Hook Kids website has become a crucial tool in the fight against youth tobacco use, recording over 1.75 million sessions, and 5,100 emails to mayors. It's not only a resource for California but also serves as a model for other states looking to combat e-cigarette use among teens.

The success of this campaign is evident in the growing number of e-cigarette bans across the country, demonstrating the power of well-crafted digital content in driving social change.

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